2024 Vaccination Requirements


  • All childhood and adult vaccines must be up to date. Including Tdap (due every 10 years).

  • There are exceptions if you are taking immunosuppressant medications and cannot receive vaccine boosters. (Varicella and MMR).

  • Influenza vaccines are recommended but not required.


  • If you received ANY COVID vaccine between May 2022 and May 2024, your application will be accepted for Summer 2024.

  • Vaccines do not prevent infection. If you choose to send your child to our camp and they have not received a booster vaccine in the past 12 months (May 23-May 24), you will be asked to sign a CGB release of responsibility waiver that you understand the risk of your child getting COVID infection and developing a severe case requiring medical care.

  • You will be required to test for COVID infection by rapid test 2 days before camp, and will also be tested by our medical staff by rapid test upon arrival at camp Day 1. CGB will ask for follow up within 5 days post camp if your child tests positive for COVID.

  • Although a personal decision, per the CDC, it is recommended EVERYONE receive yearly vaccines for influenza and COVID. CGB supports these recommendations.